Title: Mystic Practice

As a wizard and keeper of the orb, I can capture and store many animal images in this mystic ball.
I can recreate the stored image through fire and smoke. I can see and here through them. They will do
as I request and continue to do so untill the fire dies.

Michael 4 Base free site reg req, free through 01/01/2017
Jason morph for M4 fourteen down
Koz_Long Click downloads on left, Koz's Long Hair seven down
Fable for M4 free site reg req.
Various for Fable free site reg req
Spike Staff free site reg req
Storm Ball twleve down
Pyre four down
HellFire six down
Bird Collection 3DS format converted with poseray and anim8or, eagle 2
dust (png) free site reg req
MPCycForest2 free site reg req, DAZ current public release with content

DAZ Studio 3.0
Three Distance Lights One with Raytraced Shadow
Three Point Lights all with Deep Shadow Mat
One Spot Light
post work in photoshop elements 6 to crop image to size.

© Dleelaw